Review Requests

I am currently taking review requests.  I am open to advance reader copies, as well as backlist books.  I read most genres, excluding children's books, middle grade fiction, westerns, most religious and self-help books.  Please feel free to contact me with author information, a synopsis of the book (including genre) and any links to webpages concerning the book.

I tend to shy away from self-published works, but if you send a request with the first chapter I will take a look and determine if I am willing to review it.

Honest reviews will always be given, if I love the book, I'll make it known. If I don't really like it, that will be said too. First and foremost this blog is to get information about books, good or bad, out for others to make choices on their next read. My reviews will also be place on Goodreads.

While paper additions are preferred, I do have a NetGalley account, so I will review e-galleys as well on there or via email, in .epub or .pdf versions. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions you might have.

I will always respond to inquiries, but please note, like I said before, I will give an honest review of the material given to me. Books will be read and reviewed at my discretion, but if there is a specific time frame you would like me to follow, please place that information in the email and I will try my best to adhere to it. 

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